QA Consulting

Tech Gird stands out among other software testing consulting companies by its result-driven and practice-oriented approach. Our software testing consulting services are based on real experience only, thus, theoretical and hands-on skills are inextricably linked. Tech Gird offers different QA consulting services to our clients such as:

  • Testing assessments
  • General consulting
  • Coaching

With our testing assessment services you will get professional help in assessing your software testing process, tools and team skills. Our testing consultants will do their best to improve your business and help to coordinate your testing process in the most efficient way. Our general consulting services are provided to help you implement your testing ideas into life with minimum costs and maximum quality. Feel free to use our general testing services in case you have testing questions and issues you can’t resolve by yourself. There are also independent consultants in our team who would be glad to provide you with high-quality coaching and mentoring.

Benefits of Software Testing and QA Consulting

  • Efficient review moderation
  • Added accountability
  • An objective view on the problems occurred during the testing process
  • Open communication process
  • Independent assessment of the situation.

Unlike other software testing consulting companies, Tech Gird understands that testing has many challenges. However, our experienced team of testers and consultants uses leading edge approach to provide a high degree of assurance that tested application or software will meet its intended purpose in the most preferable and bug-free way.